Thursday, 26 November 2015

Scrap the Girls
Title:- Genuine friend

This is one of my very good friends Robyn, we work together and go out to lunch sometimes.

Often all our friends join us and we catch up with all the gossip and grip about other things. There is always lots of laughing going on, good times.

Every time Robyn has gone oversea's on holidays she often brings back presents for us, just little trinkets.
But most of the time mine have been scarves, the last one was from Paris, its beautiful, the word paris was all over it in creams and dark brown.
I value robyn's friendship very much.
I have use hand made dollie and  flowers, also, across the page on the flowers I have used matching stickles as well.

Scrap the Boys
Title:- His smile says it all
What can I say these are our birthday photo's of my grandson Aaron.
We just know that every time its birthday cake time, that Aaron would do one of two things,
1. He would eat it with his hands, don't worry about the mess,
2. He would face plant his face in his cake, which would make us all groan and laugh.
the last two cakes were made by my daughter Jackie, the first computer keyboard was made by my nephews wife and he made the mouse, which as you can see he loved eating.
The others were green and yellow leggo blocks, and the last one was a yellow truck with licorice strips decorating it.
they were always a big hit and yummy.
I have used handmade cut out arrows, and felt train and flags as well.

Show us your stuff
Tile:- TRAVEL family adventure together

This shows just some of the places I have lived in and around Sydney. I have lived in Bondi when I was first married, then I lived in Nowra, then moved to just outside of Liverpool, then we moved back to Coogee.
Its was great when my family visited from Victoria. We would show them around the Blue Mountains, for the beautiful gardens and our favourite thing was the scenic railway.
Then my girls and I would visit Adelaide Zoo it helped them think of it as a holiday rather than all the doctors we came to see for vanessa, my youngest daughter. our favourite exhibit was the monkey's, they girls thought they were funny.
These were just some of the places we lived and visited why living in New South Wales.