Saturday, 29 September 2012

scrap the boys september challenge
Title:- Noteworthy
This is my oldest brother David and he is celebrating turning forty years old. His wife Irene threw him a birthday party and he looks pretty happy with himself. Irene is a great cook and made his birthday cake and there was plenty of food and drink. I was not able to attend as I living in Sydney in N.S.W, at the time. But David was surrounding by his family and friends. David was a station master at both Yarragon and Warragul train station.  Happy birthday David.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

TCA Palette #129
Say Cheese
This is my daughter Jackie in the bottom three photo's. they were takena Moorebank Public school, the year 1990, the next two were taken at Maroubra Public school, the years 1994 and 1995. You can see the changes taking place in her face,, yet the same. The top photo is of my two grandchildren and they are Jackie's children, Izaak and Hana. You just know they are her kids, the say "like mother like daughter, in this case it's "like mother like Children".  Oh my gosh, check out their uniforms, three different schools, two different states and yet they are nearly the same styles. Funny thing is that I went to the same school as my grandchildren over 45 yearrs ago and the uniform have not changed the much.

Friday, 21 September 2012


This is my brother's David two eldest kids, Jimmy and Emily. Are they just the most cutiest kids in their litte outfits. This is what I would imagine Jimmy would look like when he went on his f.irst day of kindy. He looks so grown up in his little shorts. Such a cutie. His sister Emily, look at those cute pony tails. This was taken out front of the house in north road. AAHh memories.

This was a challenge for the color room which unfortunately I didn't get done in time, but I like the colors and did it anyway.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Tile:- PALS
This is my brother john and friend Leni Carter, they grew up together. There was only five kids in the kindergaarten. Leni was one of them, they even went to the same school,Moonya in wonthaggi. They eventually live in the same group home, they had their fights which could last for  ages. But they always made up., they were mad football supporters. John wass very sad when Leni died from cancer, it was slow and sometimes plainful to watch Leni fade away.  Leni always said hello with a smile, handshake and a cuddle if you were lucky. I grew up with these two and they made my life better for it, tolerance is a lesson learnt. This photo is very special for me it makes me smile every time.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

scrap the girls september challenge
Title: Grandparents Day
This was the day that I got to spend with my grand-daughter Hana at the Wonthagg Coal Mine Park. As this was grandparents day for the prepy's at her school. We got to walk around for an  hour or two crossing of names on a list of things that we had to find. We had to find how many hammers, hard hats and the colour, picks, windmills and how many brown hens in he chook house.  After,  we went down to the train to wait to get on it to go down into the mine. We put a hair nets and hard hats, we were told the rules of the train and down we go. It got veery cold down in the mne, each of the kids got a piece of brown coal to take with them. When we got to the top again it was time to have lunch and play for a while. Some of the kids were rolling down the hill it looked like fun so i gave Hana my bag and I rolled down the hill. The kids thought it was a hoot and one of the mum's said she wished she had her camera out. But I just laughed and said it was fun and why should the kids have all the fun. It started to rain really heavy and some grandparents, me included decided it was enough for one day and took our grandkids home.
This was our action packed day tiring but fun.

Monday, 10 September 2012

This is my niece anne at twoyears old. This was the first time she was able to blow out the candles by herself. She did have a little help from her aunty alice. Anne's mum heather was sitting with her brother john wayne on her lap. The other girl was a friend of mine from across the road Michelle. You can not see me or my mum her nanny because mum was taking the photo and i was getting sitting out of the way. Just to cheer and sing happy birthday to her and to see the joy and pride of blowing out the candles was just great. Happy 2nd Birthday anne.
Home and scrapped september challenge-vicki
title:- Remember This
This is my take on this challenge.
This is a photo of my dad when he was 6 months, I didnt know I had this until I went looking for another photo. The brown buckle is somthing old, something blue is the bicycle, something  borrowed is the cream lace, borrowed from a girlfriend. Something new is the paper punched pattern I have never used before. Both pattern paper and the plain paper is over three years old.

Home and scrapped september challenge-Josie
Title- See Saw
This is my niece anne and anglea, they were on school holidays and got together with the families at their uncle bill and dad's house to help celebrate one of their cousins birthday. There was face painting, tiggy, chasey and lots of lollies, cakes and fairy breads.  This was a great day and the girls and boys all had fun.

home and scrapped
september challenge-kerri
Title:- Gone fishing
This is my nephew John Anthony, we were fishing out on the rocks at Cape Paterson. His was the only fish we caught that day. He was so proud of himself, it didn't stop him from trying to get a bigger fish, no luck though. After a couple of weeks Bill's family went out and this time John Anthony put the bait on and he did catch a bigger fish, so we say practice makes for more fun.
Because even when he did'nt catch a fish only sea weed he never gave up trying.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

TCR Palette #126
This is my nieces Carolyn ( honey brown hair Tina (the red haired one). Here they in their outsfits for an out of uniform day. Shorts skirts were the in fashion at the time. Sisters are forever, but goodness how the fashion has change. (Thank goodness)
I have chalked the middle design along with the corner one's as well, then with a little dimension to give it a little shine. I have layered the squares and edged then with a little lace.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

csi case no 33
csi case no 33 -Love to vacation
This is my mum,brother, nieces and nephew on vacation in Sydney with me and my partner. He was in the navy and manage to borrow a runabout so we could take the family on a tour of the Syndey habour area. We started off at Rushcuttle Bay we went passed the Sydney Opera House, then passed the navy base and them finally passed Dole's restuarant. They had the best time, but we still laugh about how they could get nan in the boat, my nephew didn't know where to put his hands, so he took a deep breath and shoved nan's butt. Mum was a good sport about this. Afterwards, we went back to the Opera house and walked around, they got the best views onland and off, it made their holiday my ex was the best guide ever, as he grew up in and around Sydney.
I have made a sailing ship with sails out of the photo's at each of the sights we went to. I have used gesso for the water and stamped dolphins on the transparent sheet, which I used as the glass, over the framed photo's, and smugges of shawdows of clouds near the sails. I have used tiny flowers to form the puffs of clouds up the top, the frame I have used a brick type pattern. The journalling I have tried to use a triangle shape down the side and last I have stapmed skulls which pirates used on the flags for another nautical element
csi no. 34
title:- playing on the beach
This is my sister heather sunbaking on the beach at Cape Paterson, my nieces tina and angela building sand casltes, then me feeding the seagulls.
The reason we are all here, is its a families day for all the families to get together and let the kids all play as one.
This was around about the year 1980 or there about's. 
The was shinnning and the sea was crashing into the rocks, filling up the rock pool, you could smell the sea and smell the rotting seaweed furher down the beach.